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Services are available in Texas, Central America & South America

Se ofrecen servicios en español!

Veridicus Inc. utilizes a fusion of the most effective forms and styles of polygraph testing to administer validated and reliable polygraph examinations for government agencies, attorneys, businesses, and the general public; both in English and Spanish.

Several of the regular situations in which polygraph examinations are utilized; More Detail for Exam Types
Pre-Employment screening for: Armored Car Services, Security Guards, Banks, Pharmacies, Government Employees and Domestic Situations

Marital Fidelity, and Pre-Marriage confirmations

– Theft (Trade Secrets, Intellectual Property, Products, Money), Sexual Harassment, Fraud, Embezzlement and Patient validation during counseling

Criminal and Civil Cases to verify the statements of witnesses, plaintiffs and defendants

– Internal Affairs – Misconduct allegations, policy violations

Attorney tests – Under attorney/client privilege and adding credibility for plea bargaining, motions to suppress or support evidence, settlements, sentencing, arbitration and civil actions

Post Convicted Sex Offender Testing – Monitoring, Maintenance, Specific Issue, Sexual History, Instant Offense

Probation & Treatment – Drug Usage, Alcohol Usage, Gambling, Pornography, Infidelity, Prescription Medication Abuse

Sporting Event cheating – Fishing tournaments etc.

Other Examinations could include statement verification for false allegations

We perform testing at our office locations or at a number of other selected locations, we may be able to travel to your location if necessary. Please call us at 210-829-1931 to make an appointment.  For further information or to locate one of our Examiners near you, please contact us.  During your initial call or email please be specific as to the question you need to have answered.

“Has my husband engaged in sexual relations outside of our marriage?”

“Did my employee steal my customers jewelry?”

“Did he lie when he said…”

Our professional examiners will develop a battery of questions for the examination.  You may be asked to make a deposit for your appointment. You may pay with credit card, cash or PayPal.

Authorized Axciton Representative for all of South America and other select customers.

Please call or contact us us to book an appointment ahead of time!